Silimalombu ecovillage adalah tempat wisata eco tourism, wisata sambil menikmati hasil kebun, ada macam macam buah buahan (markisa, jambu biji, sirsak, pisang, mangga, durian, apokat) dan ada juga macam macam sayur sayuran (kangkung, labu, labu Siam, daun singkong, terong, dll).
Juga kita ada ikan dari danau ( nila, lobster, bujuk dll)
Hampir semua yang kita konsumsi ada di tempat. Mari kunjungi kami juga di Airbnb Silimalombu farmstay
A nice place directly at the beach of Lake Toba on the island Samosir. A place where you not only can make holidays. You can do something. You can help planting trees, take care of the Buffalo, helping by fishing....... or help to develop more of the beginning ecovillage. We want to give photovoltaik around lake toba, we are on the way to create sustainable products, mostly based on the Water hyazinth, we work on waste water treatment and much more. Just come and join!